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Recent Clients talk about Strategic success

Our Clients Have achieved extraordinary success we are proud to have contributed to that success

How to create a £3 billion value business by focusing on your clients - and the Moment of Truth!

You’ve been put in charge of a failing business, losses are mounting. It’s not clear where you should start or what you need to fix first. How do you think through your position to get back to profitability and growth?Andy Homer
Andy Homer is one of the pillars of the UK insurance industry, with a career that has included CEO at AXA Insurance UK, President of the Chartered Insurance Institute and now Group Chief Executive of the Towergate Partnership - an exciting growth business that is reshaping the provision of Insurance services in the UK.
Are you struggling to understand where all of your cash is disappearing to? Your business units claim they are making money and yet your cash and working capital is vanishing before your eyes
Businesses set out to make profits, managers swear by them. It’s all too easy to have a situation where every business unit is claiming it’s doing a great job, but when you add it up in totality you are making serious losses and your cash life blood is rapidly draining away.
There are many great management methodologies and analytical techniques you could apply, from simple to complex. If you are the CEO, CFO or Business head, how do you get to grips with a business in need of a fundamental turnaround and your financial systems are unable to describe to you what’s really going on in your business?
Philip RowleyPhilip Rowley (President and CEO of AOL Europe)facedsuch a difficult situation whenhe took on the challenges of turning around AOL Europe – andwho went on to achieve astounding results with his management team.
Has market growth died in your business – how do you reinvent yourself to create new compelling customer propositions?
Is competition killing you in your market sector – with profits and growth evaporating before your eyes? Mature markets can get over-crowded, leaving you to battle to the death with competitors for what little value is left on the table. What can you do to turnaround your situation?

Martin ToogoodMartin Toogood has enjoyed a glittering career in retail including BHS, Habitat & Heals through to CEO of B&Q PLC.