Process Blog  

Our Clients Have achieved extraordinary success and we are proud to have contributed.
Review interviews from our recent work with global leaders
and then review the impact on the performance and people in the companies below

Andy Homer
  Philip Rowley   Martin Toogood  

Andy Homer

CEO at AXA Insurance UK

President of the Chartered Insurance Institute

now, Group Chief Executive of the Towergate Partnership

- a business that is reshaping the provision of Insurance services in the UK.

Listen to Andy talking about Moments of Truth and Customer Success following the work with Senior Associate, John Corr


Philip Rowley

President and CEO of AOL Europe

Moving the focus to Successful Customer Outcomes

..... a difficult situation when he took on the challenges of turning around AOL Europe

– and who went on to achieve astounding results with his management team and the company.


Martin Toogood

has enjoyed a glittering career in retail including

BHS (British Home Stores)

Habitat & Heals through to

Chief Executive Officer
of B&Q PLC.


Innovation through Process
how do you reinvent yourself
to create new compelling customer propositions?



  • "I would like to thank you for a wonderful experience for me to know the nuances of ABPM. Taking us to a new level on how to view processes & implement by way of sharing your wealth of experience and enlightning us with the case studies & exercises."
    Director Quality Management Group, 3i Infotech Ltd., India

  • "Exceptional and life transforming. This training should be on every corporate agenda"
    CIO Pharmaceutical, Florida

  • "Simple and different concepts which is path breaking and easy to understand and deploy"
    Director Business Consulting, Chennai

  • "Excellent - he is a very good leader"
    Senior Quality Analyst, AEC, Saudi Arabia

  • "I want to thank you for the great content and coaching that you provided, the concepts resonated even more clearly when presented with your enthusiasm and experience."
    Director, H&R Block, USA

  • "I really enjoyed last week and really learned alot. I feel I had a Eureka moment yesterday when the whole process diagnostics suddenly clicked into place. I remember you saying that once you grasp this then you will never look at processes in any other way. I am now actively evangalizing the CEM approach with our team.
    Senior Analyst, Investment Bank, London

  • "Speakers are rated out of 10 for content and presentation style. I am happy to let you know that you scored a 9.5 (the best marks at the event) and the additional comments “very good” and “excellent chairman."
    Marcus Evans, BPR and Management for Telecoms, Geneva

  • "Having had a chance to read through all of the delegate feedback forms in full it has become apparent that your workshops in particular were amongst the most well regarded, so thank you once more."
    VP EMEA GDS International

  • "I took BPM training back in December, and Steve Towers was the instructor. The training was simply fantastic, because Steve has that rare ability to connect with his trainees.  Not only did I walk away from the training with a new perspective on Business Process Management, but I walked away with an invaluable analysis tool."
    Senior Systems Analyst, Barclays Bank

  • "We have collated the scores from the event and you and Terry came out as the most highly regarded."
    Conference Producer, IIR International
    (see the scores here)

  • “You are the tops! Everyone in the field should be exposed to the techniques experienced in this course.”
    Director - Process Management

Global Firsts
Steve Towers, our Founder, has achieved a number of global firsts including:


Recent Clients
AEC - Kingdom Saudi Arabia
African Development Bank
Altera Corporation
Allstate Insurance
Amadeus Services
Bank of Ireland
Bank of Ireland Life
Bank of Scotland
Barclays Bank
Booz Allen Hamilton
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Britannic Insurance
Cable & Wireless
Capital One
Compassion International
Cornhill Insurance
DaimlerChrysler FS
Egg (Internet Bank)
Eli Lilly
Frontrange Solutions
Goldman Sachs
Hallmark Cards
Hitachi Consulting
IDS Scheer
Kainos Software
Lloyds TSB
Middlesex Mutual
Mortoff (Hungary)
National Audit Office
National Grid
Naval Postgraduate School
Allied Pickfords
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
OGE Electric
Price Waterhouse Coopers
Riyad Bank
Roche Pharma
Royal Bank of Canada
Rulesware Inc.
Sanctuary Housing
Service Petrolier Schlumberger
Shell SKB
Smiths Aerospace
Sonae Industries
South West Airlines
Sun Microsystems
Tesoro Corporation
Retailers (on non disclosure)
University of Arkansas
University of Phoenix
Various Utilities (US & UK)
Virgin Group
Wells Fargo
Workers Compensation Board - Alberta
Zurich International